ハウスメーカーJIBUN HAUS.が自社で行うイベント、シンポジウムのキービジュアルを担当。固定概念にとらわれない、常識を覆すなどの意味合いが込められた「CROSSOVER」というコンセプトに基づき、同じ物でも見方、捉え方によってその価値は変わるという視点への問いを「錯視」を用いてデザイン。
I was responsible for the key visuals for events and symposiums hosted by the housing manufacturer JIBUN HAUS. Based on the concept of ‘CROSSOVER,’ which embodies ideas such as breaking away from fixed notions and overturning common sense, the design uses optical illusions to question the perspective that the value of the same object can change depending on how it is viewed or interpreted.